Wednesday, February 14, 2007

concepts for project

With religion declining in western culture, it still retains one stronghold that mos people stll adhere to marriage. Most people still prefer to have weddings and other ceremonies in churchs and ministers to conduct ceremonies though it could be against there belief.

So when the question of gay marriage rasied it is automatically rejectd for biases against the church, for example the christian church. These and ote ideas bar this practice to weasel its way into the church.

For my project I want to wield a box, deformed looking cage is a better answer made out of wielded metal. Metal appearing stale and cold. I the center will be a wielded abstract heart with organic arteries escapng the cage. The heart will be covered in reglious symbols

tHis is not meant to be seen a blasphemous or offensive in any way, but rather to prvoke thought.


Hannah said...

i really like this idea...i was wondering about the heart though. would the heart be floating or sitting in the bottom? i think that this would change the meaning. if it were floating it might be more like a prisoneer but if it were sitting on the bottom it might look like someone cut out a heart and put it in a box. just something i thought about while reading your idea...

lacey said...

Consider the image of the sacred heart, which is a heart image that is religious without being a heart covered with religious images.

I'm wondering, how would someone understand what this piece was about without knowing the assignment? It is very easy to assign ideas of love/relationships to a heart, but the cage has a lot of mixed messages about it. It has a lot of potential to talk about restraint on both a personal and societal level..