Wednesday, March 7, 2007

installation art, what is it?

Well that is a good question that I have posted for myself. When I think of installation art I think of a supersized sculpture. A sculture tht is so big that it generally has an entire room devoted to the project. Many of the installations can range from all forms of media: sculpture, video, sound, etc.
Some of the installations that I have seen one was Baltimore meseum of fine art, where an entire room was devoted to suspeded leafblowers and packing material. The blowers were put on a loop so the packing materaal would appear like snow as it danced around the room. I am not sure of the artist of this peice.
Or in the long boring Coulter - Smith article, that mentioned destructive art, which would remove something to an area, Elmgreen and Dragsetin an exhibition at the Porticus Gallery, Frankfurt removed walls from the gallery to the outside to show saginst the institutions that art has gbroughtthemselves to. All with the work of Kurt Schwitters who spend 20+ years, a world war, and a moving of one project before he died.

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