Sapere Aude! Thats exactly what the world of wiki and encyclopedia have brought us.
now to open a new chapter of the lovely space on the Internet known as my weblog, which actually pops up as #6 on google when I searched 'deliciousmix' (Hooray metatags!!!!).
Now wikipedia is quite a unique conglomeration of information in the current Internet setting, which I believe is also a moderator in preventing the Internet from becoming a cesspool of pyramid schemes and pornography. Wikipedia is for the people that don't know or haven't done a research paper recently is a free online encyclopedia, with a simple goal of sharing the world's collective knowledge in a mass, forum-like, dialectical archive. All articles have been written by people of various ages, races, languages, educational backgrounds from all corners of the globe, (or at least the corners on a map). Wikipedia can serve as an altas in serving the comntinuum of knowledge letting the power of hypertext, anable the user to set the flow of knowledge to their own liking, if you would like to see a more primiative form of
In this large collection of information, the Wikimedia Foundation, the overseeing despot that contains many people and have conventions just to increase the the power and the usefulness of this tool. Earlier any person could change the text of any article, which in turn brounght about large amounts of cyber-graffiti, useless information that is unpertainent to the subject area, which can include personal or racial attacks, mislabeled facts, or personal, vanity articles, all of which do not contribute to the acceleration or sharpening of knowledge, but rather drop the world into a black dark spiraling pit of entropy. Now a hierarcal system of contributors, verifiers and editors has been created to increase the longetivity of the project and reduce redundancy. All of these people are volunteers and are very open to new helpers that wich to donate their time (and potenially money). And each language has their own metaorganization, that is in charge of their languages' pages, currently English is winning boasting an impressive near 3 million articles, German is coming in a close second with near a milion. Maybe in Czech they do not have as strigent of standards
My goals are to enter this community and document my interactions with the community and how the workload compares to normal clerical work.
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