Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Book Writing Process step one getting ideas on paper (internet paper.

So for me to make sense of the "novel" that I am writing, I am performing this piece within the confines of my blog. Nothing provides a more soft, and easy to compose view than staring at the very simple functions of its Word Processor. So to that, I say three cheers to the internet and the compisition that will be adding to endless spiral of complexity known as the world wide web.
On a side note of creativity, would the internet on mars be the mww or www? I must know because I will invent the internet on mars.

Communication is Key

So I like like most modern civilized human beings live in community, not only for necessity, but also logic dictates it. Many researchers time and time again, have have made heavy correlations between the effectiviness of working together and the. Some people call it delegation, but I think it is something else.

But outside of all of the utilitarian influences of living together I think it is fun. There is nothing in the world that can bemore fun than doing things with other people. Writing papers, turn into knowledgable codyediting sessions, learning turns into tutoring, dancing.. well, becomes a lot more fun with others. It seems that humans are wired to be together not physically of course, unless you are a set of conjoined twins. There is research that states that the more human interaction .......

With all of these interactions to do everything together, why do people face the common problems everyday. People can be much more conscious than you can think, the human mind is a sponge literally absorbing as much as it can until information oozes out in the form of speech and action.

I may not be a mathetechian, though one day I thouhght I would be (notice how I said "one day") but this formula, that I very vaguely alluded to, there are people and there are common problems. People love to talk to one another in anyway possible in trains, over the internet, on the street, on the run. this communication is fundemental to the formula.

There was a human psychologist, was trying to figure out why some many people had to deal with imaginary friends when they were growing up, and why certain traits always reoccured. And from there it hit him, like a pile of psychology midterms, problem solving most of the time people would allude to conversation as a form of problem solving; therefore, the children or adults talking to themselves were trying to solve problems in their lives. This doesn't take into account for people with Disassociative Identiy Disorder or Scchreoprenia, but thiswas at the turn of the century.

So with this link of a communication and problem solving, there is a huge red 'X' on every single person and problem. Maybe this is why strangers on the bus always want to talk it is releiving to rid a personal world of problems.

But asides from that, and back to the formula, there is a link between people and places based on need. There is a link between people and communicaiton based on need. and there is a basis of communication and problem solving.

So if this makes any sense it seems like people love to solve problems, and thats why the crossword industry makes a fortune every year. That can be a reason why so many people don't enjoy being retired. People that are involved with politics deal with civic problems dealing with citiznes trying to make the world a free place to communicate. Firefighters, police and other community officials use communication to solve the problems of everyday citzizens, leaving the commoners with little worry or effort.

Which brings up another problem of worry and effort. If no ones worries about the problems of everyday life, who will then deal with them, the police? Fire department?

Everyday Problems
Well when these problems don't get solved that can cause a lot of collective worry from everyone, just like the awkward feeling you get when you aren't prepared for a test that you haven't studied for. Your blood is rushing through your temple and into your head, and you can get the feeling of hopelessness or utter frustration.

Hey thats great but what about the planet
And what about in the regard to the climate change. The planet is something that we all share and that is 100 percent fact, there is no theory that can be hypothesised that will disprove that one. And, like it or not, we share the same spaces and resources as everyone on the planet. Just think a potato that you can cook, could be cooked in the same way as thousands of people at the same time, I think it's pretty cool to think about. But this is a problem involving everyone, and something that can seriously be worried about, considering everything we have today is derived from the Earth.

Here is a quick list of planet problems that can be discussed with people.
Climate change
Peak Oil
Reducing of Open Space
Potable Water
Food Quality
This was a list for lists' sake some don't feel that I am leaving problems.
Now having the conversation about climate change can be a hard one to start with everyone, people can be very denfensive about issues, and most people no not like to get into arguements especially over beliefs (huhmm.. the Crusades...) But those who do simply disincline the invitation or become aggressive (there are two different style of speech that can be used that will be outlined later) remain resolute and tactful and thank them for their time. The beauty and curse of communication is that it is also consenting.

A good rule to go by is that a conversation is considered seven exchanges, so if you can't get to that level at the first time keep practicing, it is hard to keep consersations with strangers but everyone has a wealth of knowledge within them so be brave experience the world and all of the beautiful things that are hidden in the cafeteria lines and airports. For everyone that is able it is always great to bring a friend for support if the converstation reaches an awkward pause

Try this,
Talk to anyone (and I mean anyone but use good discretion) and see what problems that they might have not to be nosey or looking for a good, juicy piece of gossip, but just to be a friendly face that someone can share the communication process with. Even if the problem, may be too big for you to handle or might not encompass your expertise, just think that you helped this person get one more step closer to solving his or his problem, and helping someone on the personal level feels great!

Talk to your neighbor, if you haven't introduced yourself go for it they probably love to know who is sharing the same part of the world as they are. A food gift is a great idea, people often think with their stomaches.

Cranberrry Muffin recipe:

Ask them if they need any help with anything, or mention something that you may be involved with, and ask.
When formulating your ask remember that they could possibly not percieve the same amount of worry as you do, so be crafty when thinking about it. You something about the neighborhood condition, or just any other commonality someone living next to you that you might share.

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