Monday, September 3, 2007
Attack Decay Sustainablity Release
The Sustainability program is using different ideas for an idea to use for the next project for campus and community. In the frame of UNM and Albuquerque, there is a great sense of activism and activity. A project supporting a brighter future will be easier to pull off than in the deepest forests of Appalachia.
I am trying to start again with the bikes always with the bikes. This time the generator can be more easily construction with the aid of transportation and other resources. This generator could be a centerpiece of the campaign of making cycling more popular, and making people think about going to ride their bike before they turn the ignition. While they are doing public demonstrations the generator can show the effect ant effort of a bike generator.
The project can be cheap or very expensive depending on the support of UNM. I cant drop a $1K on a salary of odd jobs and handouts.
Monday, April 16, 2007
David LaMotte, Art and Activism
His Pegs Patnership, that he showed a video to explain the workings of the organization, provided educational need to children where it was unavailible due to lack of ample schools and funding. He would raise money directly for the support of these areas and cause a change for good in the world.
He all empathesized the importance of causing a change which is actually very simpe, it is just a matter of finding the right thing to focus on.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Mandrake
Monday, April 2, 2007
Must we learn: the Armenian genocide lecture by Pr. Richard Hannisian
After the Balkan Wars, the Ottoman Empire suffered grave lost of their most valuable territories in Eastern Europe. However, they still had their territories in Asia Minor which consisted of several different ethnic groups: including Armenians, Kurds and Arabs. The big division between the Armenians and the rest of the Empire was religion. Armenians were primarily Catholic while the rest was Islamic. And after the Russo-Turkish War and the Treaty of Berlin, The russians announced that they were the protectors of the Christains in the Ottoman Empire. This automatically gave the government the impresssion that all Armenians were PRo-west, Pro-Russian and against Russian ideals. Over the years during, WW1 the armed forces participated in rounding up Armenians for forced evacutions and had mass murders done. It didnt take that many people to kill alot of people.The Turkish people could not speak against the strocities without harsh punishment or even death. Even After so many years and many people speaking out the turkish government still denies the event even occured. So does texas.
Jusst as promised the concept statement with sketches

I. Several bicycles converted into either a power generator for the necessary party necessities such as lights, music and a fridge filled with drinks (soda of course). This all depends on the power output of the bikes and the needs of the appliances. The other bike will be put into the power of a paddle wheel to propel the boat. I came foresee this will be the most frustrating and time-consuming facet of the project, but also he most important.
II. The second part will be the the platform of the raft. A way to incorporate reused materials would be to use interchanging coke bottles which will be tied together like a net. This will make the boaat bouyant and lightweightThe demonsions are unknown for now until I find the estimated amount of weight that could hold at least 6 to 7 people plus the bikes and appliances. Also, a material needs to be found that is lightweight, cheap and can be drilled into.
III. The third portion will be the paddlewheel attached to the back. Two bike rims will be used for the frame and a material will be attached to push the water. Another lone bike will be used to power the wheel.
IV. The fouth portion will be the building of the pontoons on the sides. I figure this is the easiest way to keep the boat afloat. I don't think they will have to be too tall because the heaviest part of the boat will be the people standing upon it.
When I was doing research for this portion of the project, I stumbled upon a man in Maine how did infact create a pontoon boat using Coke bottles as the source of floation, however he used electric motors, shopped at home depot for his materials and probably had a large amount of time and money to invest.
Here is the link
Or, if pontoons do not work, I could create bubbles around the sides of the vessel that would keep the boat stable in the water.
V. the fifth portion of the project would involve the steering and the manuevabilty of the barge. Two rudders will be attached to the back of the boat and attached to a steering wheel in the center of the boat. The wheel will definitely be a bike wheel. The rudders will be of a mater ial unknown.
Or. If there were two paddle wheel constructed then the rather than having a steering system there whould be two people peddling. One would drop out in order to make a turn.
VI. The sixth step would be the finalization stage, to make it really look like an official party barge. A canopy will be constructed. ( I might FIND some bamboo for that) or some sort of material. Railing would be installed and bike furniture would be welded together. Also, Painting and stuff.
All of this can happen if the right materials are present, the location is secured, and all of the plans mentioned above go smoothely.
The Idea generation
My original intention for this installation is it to be outside, as well as it to quite large. Since my time at this college will be relatively short ( I will only be here for about one more month, I really wanted to create something that was uniquely St. Mary’s in an inside joke kind of way. A large amount of material will be scarce to find, have decided on the medium of bicycles. Bikes are everywhere, and almost everyone has one. When the school first announced the Free Ride Program (R.I.P.) it made national news for the next step of a college campus to go green.
The SMCM area is literally covered with old and neglected bikes that area just rusting on the sidewalks and looking like large pieces of garbage. Since this week is Campus awareness week, could contribute be helping pick up some the bike corpses around campus. Risky, hardly.
Part Deux: Artist Andy Goldsworthy“I have often found that apparently ordinary places yield extraordinary things.”

When the last article we read (the really boring one by Nick Hayes) really addressed that an installation needed to have a real incorporation of space- why was the object chosen to be put there and only there- I remember reading/watching a documentary of Andy Goldsworthy. I put some more research into his methods and also picked up a copy of his book, Time from the library. His writing from the introduction was exactly what I wanted to hear for my line of potential work.
He states: “Time and change are connected by place. Real change is best understood by staying in one place.”
Hearing that really makes me think of the first time I got here to about now months later.
Most of Goldsworthy’s work involves ephemeral matters of nature, nothing best shows the time and change of a piece by seeing it naturally decay from erosion or the tide. Ice, Snow Sticks, Mud, Moss, Leaves, Peat, Rocks, Ash, Sand, Clay, Flowers are all in the palette of this artist.

I will focus more on the broad concepts of Goldsworthy’s installations and his ideas as an artist rather than a single piece. In the work sand extending the roots of trees it clearly shows the facets the natural curvature of nature and how it breaks itself down. Another piece the rock structure taken up by the tide shows the resistance of the material compared to the tide of change. I also shows how in a short time of a day, the space of the beach can be completely transformed by the tide.

Just to help out my initial medium he did mention the bicycle within his book. ”[I] Traveled by bicycle which is unusual for me. On the bicycle it was difficult to stop.”
Bold words Mr. Goldworthy. Bold Words.
Part Three: I made the connection.
I have decided to embrace the landscape of our beloved college bestowed to the Saint of Mary. I have realized what places show the uniqueness of the school, the college, the way of life…………………………………………….The trees.
Yes it may sound hokey, but the trees in this area, really do define the region, if there was no forest to be protected would the on campus group SEAC be as aggressive; probably not.
So thus far the equation is Bikes + Trees + Art=?
Not that simple of a problem, so lets see how other people have addressed it.
This is a website for modern way of storing bikes in Geneva, Switzerland called bike tree, it is solar-powered and uses state of the art technology. Kind of a techologically adavaned tree.
Here is a picture of a bike that used resources from trees, kind of a commensalist relationship between the two.

Here is what happens when nature especially trees ( more the parasitic worm infection in the tree) get angry at bikes

Here is another idea someone put out there. I could put a record player out of the bike.

Or even have the bike create power so I can have lights or any appliance the possibleities are endless.
I will weld many parts of bikes together to make it look like a tree. I will weld all of the pieces together, as well as place it in the forest somewhere. This idea spurs from the aspect of nature in Goldworthy’s work however I will not be using nature materials as a medium. I will go the opposite direction by using metal and other manufactured materials. This will say that natural materials are just as ephemeral as non-natural ones.
I will want to have several bikes attached to generators and power converters than have any appliance possible to make the conditions more comfortable like fans, music, anything . the more people inside the more comfortable they will be, These are based on another artist Virginia Valdes whose installation Wasteland is based on clean energy and recycling. The link is here if you are interested.
Idea three: PARTY BIKE BOAT,
Off my original idea of a party barge discussed several weeks ago, I would get two bikes and convert them into paddle boats, Then I will attach a stage around it and paddle around the pond on a Friday evening. This has not too much to do with Andy Goldsworthy’s work.
Sketches will be soon...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
What happened when I saw Mark G. Cooley
Most of his pieces were against the capitalist nature of the US: from the wat to rampant consumerism. In his collaboration with another srtist, they took on the atrocities of bottled water companies hold on pocket books by selling tap water for 1000 times more than before. Another one of his pieces at a Chicago gallery contained glass cases with three peices of Sara Lee cheesecake and gloves allowing the viewer to touch the cheesecake if they wish. Sara Lee was a sponsor of that event.
Another project was one called White Flag which was drawing from Jasper Johns'Flags. These flags though had to do more with a political agenda rather than a showing the what Johns pictured in a dream.
A lot of his worked was surrounding events that went with the war, and showed disdain for thse events.
I went to the Anne Marie Sculpture Garden
The air was brisk on that faihful Salomons Island Morning, the leaves were still damp from the morning dew. The Cardinals and Orioles were conducting a treetop concerto to the small ground squirrels below. Then I showed up in a Chevy Equinox and ruined that piece of nature.
The garden was not that much of a garden in the traditional sense, it felt like more of a park whose main focus was showing recycled scupture from the Smithsonian collection and other private contributors. Many of the pieces were tucked away in the trees like a large bronze stature of a bishop. Or others were placed out blantantly in the sunlight like the scupture that was three huge red poles or the fountain dedicated to fisherman. I especially liked the installation that was a large broadwlk that acended through the trees and had inspiring messaged etched into the boards. The childrens guide also had a fun scavanger hunt.
Monday, March 19, 2007
But is it Installantion Art- a reaction
Some art consider that installation art should have some aort of message attached like Hélio Oiticica's attempt to show the authority of their government in the 1960's. But, the art critic noted to get things down in the art world wer things needed to be bigger and better.something to leave the senses overwhelmed and awestruck.
So the idea of installations have been brought as far as wooden jungle gyms to lots of falshing lights in a room. All demanding serious support from the gallery.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
installation art, what is it?
Some of the installations that I have seen one was Baltimore meseum of fine art, where an entire room was devoted to suspeded leafblowers and packing material. The blowers were put on a loop so the packing materaal would appear like snow as it danced around the room. I am not sure of the artist of this peice.
Or in the long boring Coulter - Smith article, that mentioned destructive art, which would remove something to an area, Elmgreen and Dragsetin an exhibition at the Porticus Gallery, Frankfurt removed walls from the gallery to the outside to show saginst the institutions that art has gbroughtthemselves to. All with the work of Kurt Schwitters who spend 20+ years, a world war, and a moving of one project before he died.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Final concept statement for the marriage project
Everyting is connected when it comes to the partnership of two different people. All responsiblities seem to wind together and become tightly connected with one another. Eventually it becomes abstract and unique to the If these responsibilties become neglected then the strings begin the snap, and the structure of the marriage begins to collapse.
For my project there will be no demonstration.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
concepts for project
So when the question of gay marriage rasied it is automatically rejectd for biases against the church, for example the christian church. These and ote ideas bar this practice to weasel its way into the church.
For my project I want to wield a box, deformed looking cage is a better answer made out of wielded metal. Metal appearing stale and cold. I the center will be a wielded abstract heart with organic arteries escapng the cage. The heart will be covered in reglious symbols
tHis is not meant to be seen a blasphemous or offensive in any way, but rather to prvoke thought.