With much deliberation and research done on the internet, i am finding it impossible to put Linux on my ipod. Forever it will be a tool to the Apple system. according to many sources and comments and hatred by people.
In the 6th edition ipods, or also more commonly known as ipod classic were uploaded with firmware that could only be updated by apple products. This includes the infamous IpoLinux that would Project which allowed older ipods to do things like play videos. I found this out through the project's website.
There was also specific how-tos to put wikipedia on the ipod with a special installer package made. It showed the the static dump for Wikipedia (which is done every six months, just to make sure that all of the information isnt lost. there is also a larger file that contains all of the different pictures that are used and where they appear on each page.
If i make any progress trying to accomplish this project i think i would need to become more familar with the coding language of linux and how to use the
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